Thursday, May 28, 2009

Eat Ginger For Morning Sickness

One method for stopping the nausea and vomiting is to eat ginger for morning sickness. There are many forms to choose from. Try each one until you find what you like. There's shaved ginger, crystallized, candied, ginger snaps, and the capsule form. It's useful to use ginger for morning sickness because it soothes your stomach and stops the nausea. The shaved ginger can be found where sushi is sold, and the capsule form can be found at health food stores and are sold as supplements. Consult your doctor first though before taking.

Some women find that combining techniques can be very effective. You can eat ginger and use your belly button as a pressure point.

Another method that uses acupressure and is 95% effective for pregnant women.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Use Sea Bands For Morning Sickness

Sea bands claim that their wrist bands are 70% effective for pregnant women experiencing morning sickness.

My wife used sea bands for morning sickness and felt relief in as little as 5 minutes. The sea bands plus ginger for morning sickness was quite a combo.

They use the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine using acupressure to press on the choice spot on the wrist to relieve nausea and vomiting. Give them a try, they can be found at your local pharmacy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Morning Sickness Relief

Here's a tip for those looking for morning sickness relief.

Eat snacks that have a high protein content. You can reduce your morning sickness by snacking often on foods that are high in protein like nuts, eggs, beans, and low fat meats.

Another tip is to wear sea bands for morning sickness. Very effective and some pregnant women swear by them.

If you really want to end morning sickness, check out this detailed guide on how to stop it permanently.

Food to ease morning sickness.

A good food to ease morning sickness is one that is bland. Anything bland tends to settle or neutralize your stomach and helps reduce nausea. Some popular bland foods are chicken broth, pretzels, saltines, Jello, popsicles, steamed rice, steamed potato, or dry toast. Chips also work well, something about the salt settles the stomach. So find what food you can ease your morning sickness with and trade off from time to time so it doesn't get boring.

For more tips and additional information can be found at morning sickness relief.

And a method for stopping morning sickness that is 95% effective can be found at end morning sickness.

Limes for nausea.

Some pregnant women use limes for nausea. They also like to use lemons. An easy method is to cut the lime or lemon in half and sniff it. I'm not sure if it's because they enjoy the smell, which can be helpful if you're pregnant and fighting morning sickness, or if the smell of citric acid has something to do with it. I'm not really sure, just know women find it effective.

For more tips on stopping nausea and vomiting, check out ease morning sickness.

For an all natural method that works for stopping morning sickness, check out end morning sickness.

What medicine can you take to get rid of morning sickness?

Pregnant mothers often wonder how to get rid of morning sickness and what medicine can they take. There are a few medications that you can take to reduce or stop the nausea and vomiting. One is doxylamine accompanied by vitamin B6. But with taking anything while pregnant, from medication to supplements, always consult your doctor.

Vitamin B6 or B12 by itself has had effective results. Taking ginger for morning sickness seems to work well also. One method that is 95% effective to get rid of morning sickness is a technique that uses acupressure. For a detailed guide on how to use this method, check out end morning sickness.

Keep trying till you find what works for you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Morning Sickness

Knowing how to get rid of morning sickness can make the difference between a pregnancy you enjoy and one you would like to forget. One way is to reduce your stress. Stress is a trigger for nausea and vomiting. If you can get rid of your stress, then your morning sickness will subside. Take a walk in the park, take a relaxing bath, just do whatever it is that reduces your stress. There are even stress relief programs that you can try. Also, don't get over your head with tasks that need to get done. If you feel overwhelmed, ask a relative or your husband for help. This is one tip that should be helpful for knowing how to get rid of morning sickness.